Diagnostic respiratory support tool
Fluidda offers respiratory solutions to optimize the treatment of your patient
FRI enables you to look inside the lung, by adding visualization and regional information to these measurements, therefore providing further insight into the regional functionality of the lung.
In clinical practice, physicians have to deal with an unmet need for improvement of current diagnostic tools. For personalized and precision treatment, an improved understanding of disease pathophysiology and complexity can be helpful in choosing the most suitable treatment approach. Especially in the difficult cases, it is essential to define the correct approach. Currently, this results in high healthcare costs for chronically ill patients.

FDA Clears Fluidda’s Broncholab Platform For Use In Clinical Practice
In March 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration provided market clearance to Fluidda for its Broncholab platform. Broncholab provides a number of Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) parameters to physicians via an online platform to assist in diagnosing and monitoring of respiratory diseases.
The severity of respiratory diseases is often underestimated by conventional lung function tests, such as spirometry. As healthy areas in the lung tend to compensate for sick areas, spirometry can indicate normal lung function despite declining lung health. Quantitative HRCT techniques such as FRI yields more accurate regional information that is clinically relevant for early and correct diagnosis and to optimize treatments for individual patients.
Dr. Jan De Backer, Fluidda’s CEO, states:
“Functional Respiratory Imaging has been used in clinical trials for many years and has proven its value time and time again. Broncholab now extends these capabilities into clinical practice which is a tremendous step forward in our quest for better respiratory care. We are living in a time where respiratory viruses cause significant disruption to daily life with high associated cost. We are striving to better understand respiratory illnesses with our novel technology to be more prepared for the next viral outbreak and to deal with the increased number of patients with lung diseases worldwide.”
>Provides detailed quantitative representations of CT images, supporting physicians in diagnosis and follow-up.
>All information collected is on regional level, helping to understand what happens locally and increasing insights in the nature of the disease.
>QCT values provide additional relevant information unavailable via conventional tests.
>Facilitates accurate monitoring of the course of the disease, thus enabling early adjustments to the therapy.
>Broncholab blood vessel density sub-compartments (BV5, BV5_10, etc. ) can be used to detect changes in lung structure which may be associated with pulmonary vascular remodeling and other pathologic processes involved in the development of chronic respiratory and pulmonary vascular disease.
Go to Broncholab
Access the Instructions for Use:
- Go to https://webportal.broncholab.com/
- Click on “Help” and “Service Desk” and login with your broncholab credentials
- In the search bar type ‘Instructions for Use’
- Click on the first link that shows (“Instructions for Use”)
- Based on the region where you are located click on the instructions for use PDF
- The Instructions for Use will be automatically downloaded to your system
Labels for use in EU and US can be found here.
Fluidda for patients: We can help!
We know that the respiratory field is very resource intensive and not well understood. Do you suffer from chronic or respiratory diseases? Fluidda’s Broncholab solutions provide pneumologists and radiologists with the most accurate software as a medical device to optimize your therapy pathway.
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FRI stands for Functional Respiratory Imaging. The FRI process consist of three phases. Want to learn more?
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