The value of Fluidda in respiratory clinical research – ERS 2019
Prof. W. De Backer, Chairman of the Board of Fluidda nv, was interviewed at the ERS 2019 conference in Madrid about the insights that lead to the founding of the company, and it’s added value in respiratory clinical research.
He explains the added value that Fluidda brings to Healthcare companies and Healthcare providers to make respiratory clinical trials more successful by introducing a variety of new biomarkers. This concomitantly reduces the number of patients and thus makes clinical trials more cost effective. Everything with the aim of making treatments for lung patients better and more personalized.
Finally he envisions that in the future functional respiratory imaging (FRI) technology will be used more and more for phenotyping lung patients, which makes it possible to give them true personalized treatments.
Categorised in: Conferences / November 29, 2019 9:00 am /
Tags: Conference, ERS