ERS 2020 – Lung Deposition of Two Bronchodilators in Subjects With COPD

Lung Deposition of Two Bronchodilators in Subjects with COPD When Administered via Standard Jet Nebulizer or HandiHaler® Using FRI.

During the ERS Congress 2020, a poster was presented comparing lung deposition of bronchodilators in COPD-patients using PARI LC® Sprint nebulizer to those using the HandiHaler® DPI. Functional respiratory imaging (FRI) was used to quantify drug deposition in respiratory tract

This FRI study demonstrates a standard jet nebulizer provides better intrathoracic and peripheral deposition of inhaled bronchodilators than a DPI in patients with COPD, with similar C/P ratios. Our results demonstrate that nebulizers, with their unique drug deposition characteristics, are an effective alternative to DPIs for administration of bronchodilators in patients with COPD.

Categorised in: / September 15, 2020 2:58 pm / Published by

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