Presentation CEO Fluidda at DDL 2021 conference – Functional Respiratory Imaging in times of COVID19
Presentation CEO Fluidda at DDL 2021 conference: Functional Respiratory Imaging in times of COVID19
Tomorrow, December 9, Fluidda’s CEO Jan De Backer will present at the virtual conference Drug delivery to the Lung ( DDL2021). His presentation is titled : FRI in times of COVID-19.
The synopsis of his presentation:
COVID19 will be with us for the foreseeable future. This necessitates the need to continue and accelerate the development of respiratory technology to better understand and treat lung diseases including respiratory infections. In this talk, we will provide an overview of our findings in COVID19 using Functional Respiratory Imaging. We will focus on the important role of the pulmonary vasculature and show why COVID19 is different from other viral pneumonias. We will assess ventilation-perfusion ion COVID19 and highlight the potential role for inhaled drugs. Finally, we will touch on long-COVID19 and implications for the future of respiratory care.
For more information on FRI technology, visit
Categorised in: Conferences / December 8, 2021 2:08 pm /