P4O2 press release Netherlands Respiratory Society (NRS)
A Public-private consortium P4O2 (Precision Medicine for more Oxygen) investigates risk factors for developing lung damage and chronic complaints after COVID-19.
Many patients who have had COVID-19 continue to have health complaints for a long period of time. The long-term effects of the damage caused by the virus and the body’s response to it is unclear. A team of researchers, private parties and patient representatives will investigate how these complaints develop and which factors can predict them in future patients. Fluidda is one of the consortium members and will analyze all CT-scans with their Functional Respiratory Imaging technology.
The consortium is led by Prof. Dr. Anke-Hilse Maitland – van der Zee from the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. More information is available at www.p4o2.org and via [email protected]
The full press release can be read here:
Categorised in: Miscellaneous / September 30, 2020 10:59 am /
Tags: P4O2, Press, UVA