Fluidda’s Broncholab issued Authorization with Conditions by Health Canada for Use in Relation to COVID-19
In March 2020 Fluidda’s medical device called Broncholab was introduced in the USA. It is a diagnostic support tool to detect and to to improve therapy of lung diseases based on FRI technology.
Broncholab will initially be used focusing on patients whose treatment options have currently been exhausted.
In COVID-19 trials it was found that vascular problems in the lungs detected using FRI are predictive of a poorer clinical outcome. The physician can then opt for more aggressive treatment.
The Canadian regulatory authorities (Health Canada) granted Fluidda permission to use Broncholab. This authorization is valid for so long as the Interim Order Respecting the Importation and Sale of Medical Devices for Use in Relation to COVID-19 is in effect.
For more information on Broncholab, visit https://www.fluidda.com/broncholab/

Categorised in: Miscellaneous / May 28, 2021 11:19 am /
Tags: Broncholab