The Seven pillars of SAD in Asthma and COPD

In a recent publication in CHEST Journal, the importance of the small airways and their contribution to symptoms of asthma and COPD are discussed. Significant small airways dysfunction can be found prior to any overt airway obstruction being detectable by conventional spirometry techniques.

This expert opinion paper discusses small airways disease in the context of asthma and COPD and highlights gaps in current knowledge that impede earlier identification of obstructive lung disease and the development and standardization of novel small airways-specific end points for use in clinical trials.

It is rewarding to see eminent authors recognize FRI’s ability to assess the pharmacodynamic effect of a novel compound in a limited set of patients due to the enhanced sensitivity of the FRI outcome parameters.

Read the full article HERE:




Categorised in: / October 1, 2021 2:34 pm / Published by

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