Broncholab™ Offers Respiratory Solutions Optimize Treatment of Lung Patients – USA & EU.
Broncholab™ is a platform where CT-scan data of individual persons can be uploaded and analysed with FRI-technology. The result of this analysis is then sent to the attending physician alone, observing all privacy requirements. Broncholab provides physicians with reproducible CT values for pulmonary tissue for providing quantitative support for diagnosis and follow-up examination. Broncholab can be used to support physicians in the diagnosis and documentation of pulmonary tissues images (e.g., abnormalities) from CT thoracic datasets, 3D segmentation and isolation of sub compartments, volumetric analysis, density evaluations, low density cluster analysis, fissure evaluation and reporting tools are combined with a dedicated workflow.
All information of the lungs is collected on regional level, increasing insights in the nature of the disease and helping to understand what happens locally. Broncholab facilitates accurate monitoring of the course of the disease, thus enabling early adjustments to therapy.
In March 2020 Broncholab was cleared for use by the FDA.
Broncholab has now obtained a CE certificate and can be used as a CT imaging analysis software for decision support in the respiratory field bij physicians in de EU as well.

Categorised in: Miscellaneous / July 7, 2022 1:51 pm /
Tags: Broncholab, Respiratory, Solutions