Poster CHEST 2020: AZ studie Maarten van den Berge

FRI assessment of a fixed Triple Therapy (Bud/Gly/FF) and a fixed Dual Therapy (Gly/FF) in patients with COPD

In a study presented as a poster at the virtual Chest conference, FRI was used to compare the effects of inhaled BGF (Budesonide/Glycopyrrolate/Formoterol fumarate) and inhaled GFF (Glycopyrrolate/Formoterol fumarate) on moderate-to-severe COPD patients.

This study was the first to assess the effect of adding an ICS to LAMA/LABA dual therapy using FRI.

Both BGF and GFF demonstrated clinically meaningful improvements in FRI parameters, increasing airway volume, and reducing airway resistance in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD.

The ICS component of BGF resulted in significant incremental improvement in airway volume relative to GFF alone.

Improvements in lung function observed by spirometry and plethysmography were directionally consistent with FRI endpoints; however, no significant differences were shown between BGF MDI and GFF MDI, indicating the higher sensitivity of FRI parameters to differences between treatments in a small number of subjects.

 The poster presented can be seen here:

Categorised in: / October 22, 2020 2:44 pm / Published by

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